EVU’s Open Letter calls on AGRI Committee members to work for sustainable food systems

The European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI) was formally constituted, and its Chair and Vice-Chairs elected on 23/07/2024.

The European Vegetarian Union (EVU) has published an open letter to the Committee members, calling them to work towards supporting sustainable food systems.


Open Letter to the European Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development Members


Dear Members of the European Parliament Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development,

On behalf of the European Vegetarian Union (EVU), we extend our congratulations on your joining this pivotal European Parliament Committee.

Agriculture occupies around 40% of the EU’s land, fully employs about 4% of its population and, most importantly, feeds all EU citizens, thereby impacting our health and well-being. This Committee plays a critical role in shaping policies that ensure sustainable agricultural practices, support  the economy, safeguard food security across Europe and shape the needs of our healthcare systems. Your work will therefore be  essential in addressing unique challenges, from promoting decent employment, innovative agricultural solutions, to creating a policy framework that enhances our health and our environment as well as improving animal welfare.

The EVU is committed to promoting increased consumption of plant-based foods and transitioning to more sustainable and healthier diets. These foods also rely on farmers for their production, with studies pointing that transitioning to more plant-based diets will benefit most farmers across the EU¹, increasing incomes while also improving the state of our environment and human health. Our goals are therefore aligned with improving the EU’s agriculture, protecting farmers and consumers.

Our food systems are however, increasingly fragile, and enhancing plant-based options can lead to greater food security and new economic opportunities. This is why we believe the EU should further support the production and consumption of plant-based foods. This aligns with the need to transform and improve the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) by focusing on sustainable production methods and ensuring farmers who transition away from unsustainable practices are rewarded and supported through a just transition mechanism. The CAP should further be aligned with the One Health principle and provide a level playing field for farmers, producers and researchers of vegetable products. It must also ensure a fairer distribution of funds as currently, 80% of funds are attributed to only 20% of beneficiaries.

Furthermore, we also believe it’s essential for the Committee to support a Sustainable Food Systems Law that will be crucial in implementing a forward-looking, sustainable agenda. This comprehensive strategy is vital for creating a fair, healthy, resilient, safe, and environmentally-friendly food system in Europe.

We are ready to support the Committee’s efforts by providing feedback, sharing data, and collaborating on initiatives that align with the goals of the CAP,  Beating Cancer Plan, Green Deal and Farm to Fork Strategy. Our extensive network of 46 members across Europe is prepared to contribute to the ongoing dialogue and implementation of these vital policies.

We have published a set of realistic, science-based policy recommendations and actionable steps in our Plant-Based Manifesto, supported by Members of the European Parliament, scientists, and farmers, which can guide the Committee’s policymaking.

We look forward to continued cooperation,


Felix Hnat
European Vegetarian Union President


¹. Rieger, J., F. Freund, F. Offermann, et al. (2023): From fork to farm: Impacts of more sustainable diets in the EU ‐27 on the agricultural sector. Journal of Agricultural Economics 74(3), 764–784. doi:10.1111/1477-9552.12530

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