Veggie Burger Debate Makes It To European Court Of Justice
Press Release: Veggie Burger Debate Makes It To European Court Of Justice [Brussels, 31 July 2023] – In a landmark development, the French Conseil d’Etat has taken a significant step in addressing the crucial issue of food labelling for plant-based products. The Conseil d’Etat has decided to transfer parts of the court case brought forward […]
EU Parliament Advances Nature Restoration Law But Setbacks Remain
The European Vegetarian Union (EVU) welcomes the recent passing of the Nature Restoration Law in the European Parliament (EP) on 12 July, which sets the stage for enhanced biodiversity and climate action across the European Union. While applauding this significant step towards environmental preservation (even if some of the amendments voted through are disappointing), the […]
EU Science Advisors call on Commission to promote plant-based diets
The European Vegetarian Union (EVU) applauds the recently published report by the Scientific Advice for Policy by European Academies (SAPEA), titled “Towards Sustainable Food Consumption.”
EU Experts Call for More CAP Funding on Plant-Based Products: European Green Deal Barometer 2023
The European Vegetarian Union (EVU) welcomes the recent publication of the European Green Deal Barometer 2023, which sheds light on the progress and challenges faced by the European Green Deal. The comprehensive survey, conducted by the Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP), gathered the views of over 600 sustainability experts, including that of the EVU […]
EVU Engages in High-Profile Event on EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy and Sustainable Food Systems Framework
The European Vegetarian Union (EVU) attended on 20 June a high-profile event organised by Euractiv and the European Alliance for Plant-based Foods (EAPF) – the latter of which the EVU is a member – to discuss the European Union’s Farm to Fork Strategy and the proposed legislative framework for sustainable food systems (FSFS). The event […]
EVU Supports Findings In The Smart Protein Report Policy Initiatives
EVU Supports Findings In The Smart Protein Report Policy Initiatives to Promote Climate-Friendly Diets in Europe The European Vegetarian Union (EVU) has expressed its support for the latest Policy Brief published by the Smart Protein project, which emphasises the need for policy tools to transition Europeans towards more climate-friendly diets. The EVU acknowledges the significance […]
Disappointment Over European Parliament’s Vote on the EU School Scheme Report
The European Vegetarian Union (EVU) has expressed disappointment over the vote on 9 May 2023 by the European Parliament on the inclusion of plant-based milk alternatives in the Parliament’s own-initiative report for the EU School Scheme. The European Parliament was set to vote on a series of amendments that would expand the scope of eligible […]
EVU urges stronger action on sustainable agriculture and food consumption at EU Green Week
The European Vegetarian Union (EVU) recently attended the EU Green Week conference, which brought together influential voices from politics, business, NGOs, and academia to discuss the imperative need for a sustainable transition. As the annual conference that drives the conversation on the EU Green Deal, this event served as a platform to emphasise the crucial […]
New study highlights the need to adopt plant-rich diets to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions
Applying a global analytical framework, the German Environment Agency report aims to give an overview of the various mitigation options available for an international sustainable food system. It also seeks to identify the different barriers to the adoption of such measures.
Environmental organisations publish scathing CAP report
BirdLife, European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and Naturschutzbund (NABU) analysed 17 CAP Strategic Plans (CSPs) of 16 EU countries under the new Common Agriculture Policy (CAP). The analysis paints a devastating picture about the lack of ambitions of EU Member States to restructure their agriculture policies and subsidies in order to achieve sustainable food and farming systems.